Museum store

In the joint museum shop of the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum and the Museum Schnütgen, you will find original jewellery and textiles from many countries of the world, as well as various ethnographic art and everyday objects.

The selection is inspired by our exhibitions and complemented by an assortment of specialist and lay publications on both museums’ collections. Postcards and children’s toys round off the range.

Why don’t you drop by? We’re looking forward to your visit! Click here for our website.


Blick auf den Museumshop

Geschenke aus Papier und Perlen

Schmuckstücke aus verschiedenen Ländern und Materialien


Opening hours

10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 20:00

additionally for special events


Museumsshop Cäcilienstraße 33 GmbH & Co KG
Cäcilienstraße 33
50667 Köln


Managing Director
Katharina Krebs

phone: +49-221-933-106-50
fax: +49-0221-888-777-240